Current Vacancies
Got Cosatto DNA? These are the superstars we're currently looking for...
No jobs are available at the moment.
9 to 5 desk job? Not quite.
Ditch the desk. We do things differently here.
At Cosatto, the world's your oyster... literally. Work where you want, how you want. Just bring results and be ready to fly by the seat of your pants.
Take the stairs? Nah.
We slide between floors in a big silver shiny tube. See it to believe it.
We also believe in impromptu bbq's, on-site yoga, crazy awards, serious rewards, chances of a lifetime, brill bonuses...
Awesome Awards
Yippee! Not only does our stuff win stuff. Our revolutionary work culture and the way we do things does too. We'd like to thank everyone we've ever met. Especially you...yes you, right there.